The Washington Metro is a relatively modern rapid transportation system, state of the art when it debuted in the mid-70s but starting to show its age now. The original railcars, well-known for their safety issues, are still in use. Growing up with this system I was able to enjoy it in its heyday when it was only 15 years old. It is definitely a system geared towards suburbanites, with lines snaking out into the suburbs and connecting to large lots and garages. The concerns about crime were thankfully not strong enough to prevent such a system for coexisting with the city. The large federal workforce of Washington has kept the system quite saturated with passengers. Like London and Paris, the Washington Metro is something a lot of tourists experience so it should endeavour to remain top-notch.

Metro Tube at Wheaton Station

Longest Escalators

Silver Spring (WMATA)

Off We Go

Metro Center

The Center of Metro Center

Metro Center lower level

McPherson Square (WMATA)

Metro passageway

Rush Hour at L'enfant

Huntington Metro Support

Huntington Metro Platform