Depiction of iMac with Microsoft Visual Studio code on screen

Moving to Angular 18

After beginning front end framework development with React, I have found the last several years with Angular to be full of challenges that constantly show me just how powerful it is. The advantages of server side rendering when it comes to analytics, and especially performance, are undeniable. Angular has undergone so many changes in how it is structured that, upon entering the 10th year of coding full time, I wanted to get ahead of the curve and explore the newest features as they become available.

I finally decided to get the AngularCLI working on my personal machine after some time of letting it fall by the wayside. The productivity boost that many development tools like AngularCLI can contribute to a project by doing a lot of the grunt work for you is something I very much appreciate.

Before I go further with developing the proof of concept (details of which I will share in an upcoming entry) for an Angular 18 app, I will be going over my Visual Studio Code setup and reviewing my favourite extensions.

Stay tuned…