Responsive Web Design Portfolio

As a demonstration of responsive design skills such as utilization of media queries, I began development of a new portfolio site for my web work that would adjust itself to multiple platforms. The goal was to have an experience for mobile, tablet, and desktop that was optimized for each. Ideally, this would mean using the same assets in multiple views.

In designing the landing page, I decided on an above the fold approach that dispensed with biographical information in favor of quickly getting people to content. I did not want to lump all the content together, nor did I want to incorporate sorting based on categories or tags right away during development. Instead I sorted all of my content into three subjects: design, development, and tech. Design would be for wire frames and other graphics work in web, development would focus more on coding and having links to Github content, and tech would be for physical prototypes like Arduino and Leap motion.

In terms of content presentation, I decided to separate annotations and descriptions from graphic content. For most of my wireframes I adopted a standardized presentation style with annotations on the right hand side. Instead of having these annotations as part of the image, I decided to store them in the database instead and retrieve them using AJAX. AJAX was used in combination with an image browser to reduce the amount of content that needed to be loaded upfront. Some of my wireframe series are quite lengthy and detailed, requiring a lengthy load process. The only image resources that are loaded upfront are the thumbnails. Even with 69 thumbnails, total data transferred would be less than 3 MB initially. The overall goal was a display framework that was desktop and mobile friendly in terms of load time and data, respectively. Displaying thumbnails first instead of full size images dispensed with the constraints over image size on load time since the only full size images that would be loaded would be ones the user clicked on for a full view.

Hackernest Construct 2014

Already having done some experiments with the Leap motion tracker ( Leap Finger Cube ) and nodeJS, I joined a team of my fellow students from Sheridan College to do a multiplayer version of Rock, Paper, Scissors using hand gestures. We did this project as part of the Hackernest Toronto Construct hackathon at the Ryerson Digital Media Zone located in Dundas Square. The goal was to have some kind of functioning prototype that involved mind and/or motion.

The greatest challenge was multiplayer communication, and learning how to properly send data between computers on the same network. Using multiuser shared chat as a basis, we transformed this system into sending the Leap motion results and then comparing to determine a victor. Our previous hard coded web pages used for Leap testing were converted to the Jade templating system for Node, and this interface displayed each player’s gestures as they made them and then showed the comparison.

Below is a demo from Hackernest showing how the game works. Right now the client side is in charge of game timing, so both players have to start at roughly the same time. The goal in the future would be to have the nodeJS server control the timing of the game so players could choose their identity and start as soon as there is a minimum number of participants.

Your Number is Up

Continuing my theme of concentration and mental training games I decided for my first app developed exclusively for a mobile platform I would do a number pattern matching game. The idea was to start with basic patterns and work towards more complex actions that would use actions only possible on a mobile device. The game begins with simple tap and swipe gestures, but later requires two fingers to do actions simultaneously. Eventually I would hope to create a sort of finger twister where all five fingers would be required to perform an action, and each finger would have to hit the screen in a specific sequence.

Screen captures of BurriTO app


This was a quick 8-6-4-2 wire framing exercise for a burrito ordering application. I found the 8-6-4-2 prototyping system to be a good way to quickly sketch and get an idea for the user flow of an app by allowing someone to see so many screens at one time in their sketch. The focus of dividing the paper up into chunks really helped with keeping the limitations and challenges of small screen size in mind while doing wireframes.

Some of the usability goals that I had in mind while doing my wireframes involved touch manipulation and information density. I decided on making buttons as large as possible, so I stretched all buttons to full width and thumb height (100 pixels for most) at 320 x 640 resolution, so that it would be a comfortable UI for mobile. While doing some user experience testing with actual images on a mobile device, I found that using the app with a thumb and one hand was well within the realm of possibility. Far too often too much information is crammed onto the mobile screen. I decided that instead of cramming I would present as few options as possible onto each screen and take advantage of the slide outs and other navigation options on mobile to keep users oriented. I also learned to use scrolling to full advantage in order to keep the user on a page while presenting more options. The biggest part of the ordering process, toppings, was kept on one “screen” with expanding menus that could be collapsed after options were selected.

BurriTO: the best way to get TO your next savoury meal!


As part of a group project for programming, I worked with a team to create a game coded in Actionscript 3. The concept was to create a maze game but eschew the typical setup of creating a random game board with rectangular walls in favor of an organic navigation concept, in our case the human brain. The advantage of using a bitmap image versus a dynamically generated maze was that the game could eventually be adapted so that players could create their own mazes with no knowledge of programming. They would only have to create a maze with a guaranteed way to finish.

Originally, research efforts had focused on either using some type of collision detection involving the maze ball and the walls, either by constantly analyzing the pixels surrounding the ball to detect overlap or creating collision areas dynamically by scanning the background images. Eventually we discovered the bitmapData hitTest method in Actionscript 3 that could take two contrasting images and automatically determine if they were overlapping. After some time researching physics engines and creating our own hit test program, this proved to be a surprisingly mundane solution.

I oversaw content integration, putting together the brain, splash pages, and reset program into one game as well as coding the reset screens. The game clock was an original creation of mine, using a timer loop to generate the elapsed time in the game. The scoring system awards the player a rank based on how fast they can complete the maze. There are options for keyboard or mouse input; different mouse control systems (click, rollover, displacement) were tried and the rollover method was found to be the most reliable and easiest to use in the maze. The keyboard method provides a fallback for those finding difficulty with the mouse.

Coding the game reset proved to be more challenging than expected, with a lot of components that needed to be reverted.

Click below to play Brainz

Play Brainz

web Speech

Web Speech Translation

This was an exercise that I learned to do for the purpose of familiarizing myself with APIs and speech inputs, specifically the Google voice recognition API. There were three output goals: use Javascript to perform actions on the plaintext string, converting the plaintext string to numerical code based on certain parameters, and creating a method for assigning patterns in the resulting string to glyphs.

Your phrase with a first letter swap depending on vowel or constant, plus end attachment “toi” minus certain characters

Your phrase converted to numerical code

Your phrase converted to glyph code

Save the translation

Common Words Div